Friday, 21 November 2014

A flaw in human nature

I have donated 50 buks to help the students who were victim of a tragic bomb blast in Delhi.
It's strange yet laudable to look at all those helping hands coming together to help.
The people who don't even know the victims, are coming farward and donating. It appear intriguing to me, I have never actually believed that so many people can come together and do something worthy to make a change.
In my opinion the speaker who motivates others to donate by narrating the whole incident plays a vital role in it. A adroit speaker who is good with words can influence mass and have them donate a good amount of money which otherwise would have been difficult.
The strange thing about this whole incident is that all of them(the audience) blindly believed what message he(the speaker) were delivering without ever inquiring about it.
It was rather funny, anyone who have a good intellectual skills and have knowledge about a tragic incident can fool so many people and also generate a plethora of money. I guess people are hardwired to help others so when any others are endangered they come farward to help without ever doubting the scenario.

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