Sunday, 13 July 2014

Some time illusion is good

Some time illusion is better than reality.
Do you know that out of the following thee which one is the best way to prepare for the interview which is about to happen.
1. Revising the presentation that you are about to give.
2. Thinking about the questions that might be asked.
3. Going to washroom and behaving like you have just won ab Olympic gold medal.

The answer is the 3rd one by thinking that you have just won an Olympic gold medal would boost you chances of being accepted.
Although it's a delusion you know it and your mind know it too.
But sometime fooling your subconscious mind and making yourself do what you think is right is an excellent strategy to adapt.
By making you self believing that you have won a medal will not only boost your confidence but will also give you courage while facing the interview.

The thing with our younger generation is that we don't believe in ourself. The reason behind is the lack of conscience of our society and parents. When a child faces any loss , defeat or  discouragement.  The child looses it's confidence and started blaming other or in some cases himself. Through the years these minor defeats scars the person for life. And we start to feel inferior, lacking confidence , determination and self belief.
We seek other people approval or their belief. We start to question ourself and the decisions we make.
So next time if someone make a mistake tell him that it's a lesso n not a defeat. Teach the generation to learn the lessons from the mistakes because mistakes are necessary for the development of a person.

Edison once said that a person who have never made a mistake in his life had never tried anything new.

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