Wednesday, 9 October 2013

How to become rich and stay rich

Make a budget- Fist and the foremost step is to preserve what you have, cut the expenses. and for that you will need a budget. The budget where you will keep all your earning and expenses on a chart.
Save money_ the next step is to save or to cut off unnecessary expenses. Once you are done making the flow chat of your budget then look at it and see what unnecessary expenses are being made, where you can deduct from.
Example ; if you have high electricity bill then start paying attention to it, switch off the lights and other electric items while going out of the house. Try using efficient sources of lights. Now a days there are various options available in the market which consumes very less energy and renders you with a much less electric bill.
Save every penny that you can. At first it will look crazy but once you will get adapted to the circumstances the results will be great.

Invest- Now once you have the all the savings, Invest. There are various investment deals and programs out there in market where you can invest and earn some profit. 
Do not invest everything at one place- The most people invest all at once which is a really bad idea. While investing the money, never invest all of it at one place. Have several options and schemes, break down your money and invest. This is the best way for safe earning. The main theory behind it is that while investing the money in anything you will always have 50-50 chances of profit and loss so if you would invest all your money in the single deal the loss could be huge. But if you will spread the money in various deals, if one goes into loss the other one would earn profit. The overall chances of secure profit increases and the losses minimize. 
Reinvest Your profit- Here is the most important step what most people forgets. Once you have earned a good deal of profit from investment then dont go out and spend all of it on useless stuff. Reinvest it, find suitable deals and reinvest and follow all the process from the starting again.

It Have worked for thousands and it will also work for you.

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