Sunday, 31 March 2013

How can a government make a country successful?

A government is a group of people which governs a community or a country. A government holds the responsibility of governing and elevating a country's national standards. 85 percent of the countries are democratic. A democracy is the form of government elected by the people for the people. In a democratic country people choose their leaders by voting. Those leaders represents a group of people and take care of their needs. But these days when national as well international economy are taking a dip. The prices of all the basic things required for survival are on a hike. And the government is unable to astute the situation and acting like a neophyte.
                                                                                  The government must take the responsibility and pave the situation in time before its too late. According to a recently conducted survey 75 percent of poor people lives in India, which claims to be the one of the largest growing economy in the world. The government must take proper steps and help the people when they need it the most. Like at this proper moment the government must take legitimate steps to improve the current conditions of country. 

                                                                  The government must provide jobs to the poor people so that they will be able to feed their family properly. And also provide good education to the poor children without showing any racism. The education is the only bond which can bound all the citizens as one. When the citizen will work as one it will lead the development of the country.

Should sports classes be sacrificed at high school?

The real life starts at high school, it is the first step towards the real world. The high school is the stage when children must become serious about their career  and start studying hard to get admission to a good college which will lead them to a good life.
                                        At the high school children went through a lot of pressure. The pressure of study, the pressure to fulfill the expectations of his/her parents and his own expectations. At this point a children should be guided properly by his teachers and parents and must be supported as well. The children himself must take part in the decision making process because most of parents neglect the interests of children rather then they force their choices and their expectations on their child. They try to make them what they can’t be.
                                                                                 At some point the parents choice must also be taken under consideration because they are the parents and you owe them too. So at high school the children must be ready to face the challenge and study hard in the manner to achieve his goal. In most of the schools the sports classes are being skipped by the administration because they think that children must give maximum amount of time to their academics. At some point this is true but a student must be given some free time in which he can relax his mind and according to the recent research it is being found out that for a student sport is the best way to relax his mind. So taking it under consideration, the students must not sacrifice their sports classes.

Doctors: Changing faiths

The doctors are considered to be the god's apprentice. In ancient Egypt the citizens use to worship the doctors as gods. But these days the image of doctors are drastically changing. The doctors are considering rich patients as their paramount and are no more faithful to their patients. Rather then treating their patients and making them live a healthy life they are just chasing money.
                                                            From the ages there had been a certain economy which is being established and conducted by the community. In which they have set a few rules that one must return the favor of other. Earlier there was barter system, in which the people exchanges their goods. Then came the money, and the entire economy became unidirectional. For buying anything you need money . If you want service of doctor you must pay the price.For a certain period of time things went smoothly . But in past few decades, the motives, the ideology and their minds directly shifted from treating their patients to treating rich patients. Patients are not parallel no more, money holder had been given the privilege of being treated well.
                                                    These days two activities are most in demand which are plastic surgery and muscle implantation. Both of them are highly profitable and have also gained global attention recently. The number of doctors practicing these two operations have highly increased. 45000 is the number of plastic surgery conducted around the globe. A total worth of 50 million spend on plastic surgeries, making it one of the most profitable business of all time.
                                                                                          Approx 10 million people dies each year around the world  seeking proper medical attention. Each year approximately 35% of the cancer patients are being treated and saved out of which 33% of them belongs to rich families. The people are loosing their faith which they have from ages in doctors.

Time: Wasting it?

Wasting time should be considered as sin. So here i am sitting idle in a class of mine with no one around me. The thing is simple my opinion is the same as some of you, i hate to waste my time. And in particular i am talking about the classes, most of the time is being wasted here. I think that a person should take the task knowing his limits and his capabilities. If you are not capable of doing the task which is assigned to you, deny it at once because in that way the person might feel bad at fist but the huge amount of time that he was investing in you would be saved. 
                                              What i am recommending here is check the the listing, rating and achievement rates of any institute,school or collage before you put yourself into it. Do the research, don't trust blindly on anyone.

Its time for a change

Men are considered as the supreme power by our community and society. Men from ages till now are being encouraged and provided opportunities but on the other hand woman are being restricted till the edge of the house only. There could be only two prime reasons behind it. One that the men are overprotective, they don’t want their wife to go out  because of the increasing rates of sexual crimes. The second reason is that they simply don’t want them to go out because they want to show them that they are under command and without their permission they can not do anything or go anywhere. The second reason is the most effective one according to recently conducted research. As we take a look around the globe the situation seems to be worst. Every 12 seconds a woman is beaten in USA. 4 women are killed everyday by their husbands or partners. 60% woman are battered woman are beaten while they are pregnant. In Afghanistan only 14 percent of women can read and write. Women are prohibited from leaving their house unless they are being escorted by the male member. Every 30 minuet a women dies from the pregnancy issues.
                         The same is happening around the world, women are not being treated properly,they are being discriminated, rejected, threatened and even killed and no one till this date have raised voice in favor of them. 60% woman are battered woman are beaten while they are pregnant. Every time a girl is being killed or raped people ignore it, they say that it was not our relative or friend it was her fault why was she out that late in the night or why did she went there. We must be ashamed of our self. The bond of humanity is being broken. We are becoming inhuman, we are loosing all our emotions. We only care for ourselfs, we are becoming animals. Its time for the revolution. If we want to bring justice and if still somewhere in those cold hearts some humanity is left, then we must stand as one and bring justice. Think every victim as your mother and sister and fight for them till your last breath. Die like a brave man, doing good or be a coward and live rest of your measurable life in shadows till some one very close to you suffers as they are suffering right now. Be human, Support them because there is no world without women.

[Note- The figures used in the given article are taken from various sources]